Getting to the Point: A Critical Reckoning Is Necessary in Light of India's Soaring C-Section Rates"
India, a country with many different customs and cultures, is seeing an alarming increase in caesarean section (C-section) deliveries, which calls for close observation. When we examine the statistics further, a startling reality shows up that calls into question the wisdom of the growing number of C-sections performed, highlighting possible misuse and its effects on maternal health in the Indian setting. Reputable sources, including data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), have revealed an unsettling trend in India's maternity wards. The World Health Organization's suggested threshold of 10-15% has been exceeded by the C-section rates, which have reached concerning levels in several locations. In many circumstances, this over-reliance on surgical intervention calls into question whether C-sections are necessary or suitable. The financial incentive offered to hospitals is one of the factors contributing to the rise in C-section births in India. Particularly, priv...